
The Praise and Gratitude Series: Day 14

Praise + Gratitude = Joy & Happiness

Day 14: Proverbs 15:15

For the despondent, every day brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.

I’ve sown this verse deep within my heart and I’d like to encourage you to do the same.

It’s a truth and a promise all in one.

The word despondent refers to those low in spirit. They are disheartened, discouraged, hopeless, and downcast. They are often times in despair about one situation or another. They tend to envision the worst case scenario, and because of this they live in a constant state of anxiety and worry. Every day is difficult and brings problems.

For a very long time I lived my life just like the despondent. I felt like there was more darkness in my life than light. Happiness came from one event or another, but was never the state of my heart. I lacked joy and contentment, and because of this I was filled with anxiety and worry every day.

I am so thankful for a God that leaves the 99 to find the one.

I am thankful for a God that says if you will surrender to me, I will be the source of your joy and happiness.

I am thankful for a God that helps me rise above any and every circumstance, because I have faith and hope in Him, there is no need to worry.

I am thankful for the Word of God. As I seek to gain more wisdom and knowledge, I’m growing in the understanding of grace and just how good our God is.

He is the source of not just a good day, not just a happy event, but a heart that is set right. He is the source of a continual feast, a lifetime filled with happiness and joy.

Today I am thankful that He rescued my heart, and has begun the process of renewal within it.

I want to encourage you to set your heart right. Set your heart to the One who will help you live your life to the fullest! A life filled with righteousness, favor, generosity, kindness, prosperity, and cheerfulness. Set your heart to the one who will help you over come your troubles. He will replace anxiety and worry with peace, contentment, joy and happiness.

Don’t be the despondent, be the happy heart.

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