8 Spiritual Disciplines: A Series to Transform Your Life & Grow Closer to God!

8 Spiritual Disciplines-Four: Worship

Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'”

Matthew 4:10

I’m excited to write about this spiritual discipline, not that I wasn’t excited to write about the previous four post in this series,

8 Spiritual Disciplines: What Are They & Why Are They Important?

8 Spiritual Disciplines: One-Scripture Reading, Memorizing, & Reflecting

8 Spiritual Disciplines: Two- Prayer

8 Spiritual Disciplines: Three-Fasting

but this one is near and dear to my heart. I love to worship God. It brings me great joy each time I connect with my Father through worship. So let’s jump right in!

What is worship?

Worship is a feeling or an expression of reverence and adoration for God.

Synonyms include words such as adoration, glorification, glory, exaltation, devotion, praise, thanksgiving, honor, and magnification.

The activity of worshiping would be to show reverence and adoration, or to honor God with religious rites.

Synonyms would include venerate, pay homage to, honor, adore, praise, pray to, glorify, exalt, hold dear, cherish, treasure, idolize, magnify, and look up to.

Take a minute to absorb these words, they are so important.

I believe more than an activity, worship is a feeling or an attitude. Worship should come from deep within our hearts. Hearts over flowing with pure adoration, awe, thankfulness, and passion for the presence of God in our lives. Worship should come forth from a heart that is humbled, submissive, and grateful for EVERYTHING God is.

True worship comes from understanding who God is to you.

My darling friend ask yourself this question.

Who is God to me?

Take a few minutes to write down your answers or at the very least a minute to truly search your heart.

When I ask myself this question I begin to see all the attributes of God flash across my mind. He is the creator, omnipotent, omnipresent, and infinite. He is holy, just, sovereign, and righteous. He is truth and love. He is my savior, my redeemer, my healer, my provider, and my wise counselor. He is merciful, faithful, patient, compassionate, gracious, and sufficient. I place my trust in Him, and He gives me peace and hope. He is so good to me.

He is my everything.

Identifying who He is to me immediately fills me with a deep desire to worship Him. I want to adore Him, praise His holy name, glorify Him, and exalt Him. I cherish and treasure His presence in my life. I look up to Him and only Him. He is my God, He is my Father, and I love Him. I want His presence to be near me always.

Do you feel the same way?

These feelings make it so easy to worship Him straight from our hearts.

I want to worship Him, with everything inside of me, because I remember what it was like to not know Him. I remember the days when I wouldn’t have been able to make the list above. I remember what it feels like to be lost and I never want to feel that way again. So I happily surrender. I welcome Him into my life. I want to feel His presence every day.

I understand His value and I know His worth.

Do you?

My darling friend, from the bottom of my heart, I hope you said yes.


When should we worship?

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise–the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Hebrews 13:15-16

Worship should be a DAILY expression and attitude towards our Father. We can bring worship into every day one way or another.

This is where our previous spiritual disciplines are useful and our future ones too.


Reading, Memorizing, and Reflecting:

Having a sense of value and knowing His worth comes for knowing His word. His word is a gift to us, a true treasure. It is important that we keep it near and dear to our hearts, because without working to know His word we can never truly understand who He is. Knowing His truth is key to being able to Worship Him. Reading, memorizing, and reflecting on God’s word is a form of worship. It connects us to Him. Worship is occurring as we devote our time to cherishing His word, and then go forward in obedience to live it out. Try to work in time every day to read your Bible.

If you haven’t read 8 Spiritual Disciplines: One-Scripture Reading, Memorizing, & Reflecting, it is full of helpful tips to make this discipline a part of your daily life.


Praying is a way to worship and connect with God individually and with others. During prayer we focus on praise and thanksgiving. We lift God up and exalt Him. True worship starts when you can not only thank God for what He has done for you, BUT when you are thankful and grateful for His presence and who He is. Take time every morning before your feet hit the floor, to thank God for this day, and ask Him to lead and guide you in all that you do. We can pray to God about anything and everything. During times of struggle and hardness we can still worship God through prayer. Often feelings of sadness, frustration, and anger, can be transformed into feelings of love, peace, and joy by simply lifting the situation up to God and giving Him control.

Read 8 Spiritual Disciplines: Two- Prayer, it will help you start praying powerful life transforming prayers over your life.


Fasting is also a form of worship, as we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to God, saying more than anything else Lord, I need you. During times of fasting we humble ourselves, surrender our body’s, and reach deeper into our relationship with God, allowing our mind’s, body’s, and soul’s to be nourished by Him and Him alone. Although fasting is one of the least practiced spiritual disciplines, it is an awesome way to worship our God and should be a routine discipline exercised in our lives.

If you haven’t read 8 Spiritual Disciplines: Three-Fasting, it will help you learn the importance of fasting, while providing some helpful tips to walk you through the process.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship.

Romans 12:1


By bringing worship and praise music into your day you will find yourself praising and professing His name. Music can change an atmosphere, inviting His presence to be close to you. Whether this is at work, at home while cleaning, driving in your car, or spending time just soaking up the lyrics, don’t under-estimate the power of music when it comes to worshiping our Father. David clearly understood the importance of music when worshiping God.

Here are a few play list from YouTube I am in love with right now. Feel free to get your worship on! Lift those hands up high, sing out loud, and rejoice!


You might also enjoy reading Five Areas to Bring Worship Music Into Your Day.

It’s amazing how simply changing the music you listen to can have a huge impact on your relationship with God.

Sunday Worship & Why It’s Important:

It is important because worship is about connections. Connecting to God, and connecting to our fellow Christian’s. When we worship together we are worshiping God as the body of Christ. I love being in church on a Sunday morning when the house of God is full, our worship team is anointed, and the presence of God comes into the room, changing the atmosphere and leaving us almost breathless. Hundreds of people around me, all different backgrounds, genders, races, and ages, become united while worshiping our God, our Father. The pursuit of God’s presence connecting each and every one of us. Hundreds of hands lifted to Him, people clapping with praise, and shouting His name. It’s a feeling like none other, a connection that is incomparable to anything else.

Worship encourages the edification of Christ’s body, because it does not end when the singing stops. Worship continues throughout the service as the Pastor works to instruct, improve, encourage, and lead the congregation forward in the pursuit of God first lives. Worship is taking place in the moments when every eye is closed, every head is bowed, and we pray and surrender our lives. It is present in the moments we humble ourselves at the altar before God. From the moment you enter your church, to the moment you walk out the door, worship is occurring. Worshiping together nurtures fellowship and promotes intimate relationships, which is so very important!

I think some people hold back when it comes to worshiping God freely in the presence of others. Maybe it’s because they enter God’s house distracted by outside issues and their focus is not on God. I look forward to Sunday mornings, because I know I will be fed, restored, and renewed. I will walk in one way, and out another, closer to God, and closer to people. I know I want to worship, so I come in prepared to be engaged. Being engaged in the service means I may lift my hands in surrender, nod my head or say amen when the preaching is good, take notes for reference later, or even shed a tear or two at the altar.

Some may look at me funny, but I won’t feel ashamed, because I know that I love my Father with an intensity they may not know. My heart is swollen and full with adoration and praise for Him. I will spend an hour doing my hair and make up-but the Lord knows I will shed a few tears in His presence and I’ll most likely be a hot mess by the time I leave.

I will look one way walking in, and another way walking out…but that my darling friend is worship. Entering one way, and leaving another.

Do Good and Share with Those in Need:

Let’s look at Hebrews 13:16 again,

And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.

Honor God by doing good in His name and serving others like Jesus served the disciples. Jesus was the king of kings, yet He washed the feet of the disciples just like a servant. We are called to serve others before ourselves. Yet our society today looks nothing like this.

Worship God through giving your time, talents, and treasures. Every little act of giving and serving pleases God.

 Surly we as Christian’s can find a way to worship God every day by doing good and giving to those in need.

This is our opportunity to shine His light through us. Reaching out to others in darkness, and bringing them into the light.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

When you have a heart full of worship you’ll be more adapt to see the attributes of God in your daily life. My darling friend, live your life with your eyes open to God and with an attitude of worship. See Him in the small things, and the big things. See Him in the everyday moments of life, connecting to Him in praise, thanksgiving, and adoration. Glorify His name every opportunity you get. Rise up and do good, each and every day. Live a life worthy of living,  serving others, spreading love, and spreading light. When you live your life with an attitude of worship, you’ll truly begin to see life transformations happen. Worship connects us to God, and through that connection God offers us peace, joy, comfort, hope, and love. I don’t know about you, but I want those feelings to be present in my life every day!

Do you know someone who would be encouraged by this Blog Post? Please share! By doing so you are helping spread His Light to others 🙂

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2 thoughts on “8 Spiritual Disciplines-Four: Worship”

  1. It really helps me to see how to worship God in words, its makes me feel good good allover to love and praised our father,since i been reading and watching the story of Jesus been hung on the cross, its hurts me so bad to watch him go through all the pain. But knowing he did this for me, i have to be thankful and try to served him the best that i can.

    1. Anna, I’m so happy you found this helpful. I agree, it feels wonderful to praise and worship our Father, He is so deserving! You are 100% right when you said we must try our best to serve Him, He’s already given us EVERYTHING. Blessings to you! x Jen

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