8 Spiritual Disciplines: A Series to Transform Your Life & Grow Closer to God!

8 Spiritual Disciplines: Eight-Evangelism

Evangelism, by definition, is the spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness. We are practicing the spiritual discipline of evangelism when we share the Good News of salvation, forgiveness, and grace. The enemy came to steal, kill, and destroy us. Yes my darling friend, from the very being we had an enemy. He… Continue reading 8 Spiritual Disciplines: Eight-Evangelism

8 Spiritual Disciplines: A Series to Transform Your Life & Grow Closer to God!

8 Spiritual Disciplines: Seven-Discernment

Before we begin digging into the spiritual discipline of discernment, I would like to make sure we have a good understanding on what the word discern means. Discern: to separate or distinguish between. 1: a: to detect with the eyes b: to detect with senses other than vision 2: to recognize or identify as separate and… Continue reading 8 Spiritual Disciplines: Seven-Discernment

8 Spiritual Disciplines: A Series to Transform Your Life & Grow Closer to God!

8 Spiritual Disciplines: Six-Solitude

My darling friend, we have made it to number six! I'm excited! If you have been on this journey with me, my heart is that you are feeling closer to God, and you are seeing life transformations happen, big and small. I know my faith is being strengthened and I hope yours is too. I pray while studying these spiritual disciplines you've started to develop… Continue reading 8 Spiritual Disciplines: Six-Solitude

8 Spiritual Disciplines: A Series to Transform Your Life & Grow Closer to God!

8 Spiritual Disciplines: Five-Service

And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. Hebrews 13:16 Do you remember this verse from our previous spiritual discipline of worship? We touched on worshiping God by doing good in His name and serving others, because we are called to be of… Continue reading 8 Spiritual Disciplines: Five-Service

8 Spiritual Disciplines: A Series to Transform Your Life & Grow Closer to God!

8 Spiritual Disciplines-Four: Worship

Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'" Matthew 4:10 I'm excited to write about this spiritual discipline, not that I wasn't excited to write about the previous four post in this series, 8 Spiritual Disciplines: What Are They & Why Are… Continue reading 8 Spiritual Disciplines-Four: Worship

8 Spiritual Disciplines: A Series to Transform Your Life & Grow Closer to God!

8 Spiritual Disciplines: Three-Fasting

How are you doing my darling friend? Are you starting to feel spiritually renewed and refreshed? Are you developing some good habits in scripture reading, memorizing, and reflecting? Are you praying powerful life changing prayers? Are you beginning to see life transformations happen? And here is the most important question of all. Have you seen… Continue reading 8 Spiritual Disciplines: Three-Fasting

8 Spiritual Disciplines: A Series to Transform Your Life & Grow Closer to God!

8 Spiritual Disciplines: Two: Prayer

"Prayer is the key that unlocks the resources of heaven, so they can be unleashed on planet earth" Priscilla Shirer (Passion Conference 2018) If you are just joining us, don't miss out on the first two post in this series! Click here, to learn what spiritual disciplines are, why they are important, and why practicing… Continue reading 8 Spiritual Disciplines: Two: Prayer

8 Spiritual Disciplines: A Series to Transform Your Life & Grow Closer to God!

8 Spiritual Disciplines: One-Scripture Reading, Memorizing, & Reflecting

What are Spiritual Disciplines? They are practices we do routinely, to help us overcome our bad habits, and replace them with good habits. Habits that make us more like Christ and develop an intimate relationship with God. A relationship that is satisfying, loving, meaningful, and transforming. By practicing any of the spiritual disciplines you will automatically start… Continue reading 8 Spiritual Disciplines: One-Scripture Reading, Memorizing, & Reflecting

8 Spiritual Disciplines: A Series to Transform Your Life & Grow Closer to God!

8 Spiritual Disciplines: What Are They & Why Are They Important??

A few years ago I received a book titled Being Jesus' Disciple, published by Rose Publishing, as part of their Bible Basics Series. As I was dusting the other day, I noticed it on a bookshelf and pulled it out to flip through it. I ran across a chapter titled Spiritual Disciplines. Within it eight… Continue reading 8 Spiritual Disciplines: What Are They & Why Are They Important??