Blog Post

How We Can End 2021 With Strength & Purpose

Today starts the last 90 days of this year. And before we know it we'll be starting a brand new year! It's crazy to think this year is almost over. What a year it's been! Here’s what I know, I want to end it strong and feeling my best physically, mentally, and emotionally. I want… Continue reading How We Can End 2021 With Strength & Purpose


Wisdom Without Obedience is Useless

Not only must we seek God for His wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, but we also must pray to have hearts that are obedient to Him. Ultimately our choices have repercussions, and a lack of obedience can limit our blessings from the Lord. King Solomon can teach us a wonderful example of this. The LORD was very angry… Continue reading Wisdom Without Obedience is Useless


Running the Race: With Training, Discipline, & Perseverance

I want to live my life with God placed front and center. My darling friend I hope you do too. When I made the decision to go all in with God several years ago, I had no idea that I would be running a race, one that He had clearly marked out for me. At the time I… Continue reading Running the Race: With Training, Discipline, & Perseverance