Blog Post


Have you ever found yourself in a season of waiting?

I recently wrote a post called Fearlessly Still, Until The Next Path, Proverbs 3 verses 5-6 were the main focus. I believe that God has led me to a season in my life where I am to truly trust Him, and let Him take the lead. He has called me to be still, instead of blazing forward trying to make my own paths. My darling friend, this is so hard for me. I struggle with patiently waiting, but I am determined to be obedient.

What do you do while your standing still, waiting for God to move you towards the next path?

I’ve come to this conclusion, I’m going to strengthen my faith!

I going to strengthen my relationship with God.

Let’s Look at Mark 11:22-25,

 I find these verses full of guidance. I’m going to apply these verses to five different areas of my life to strengthen my faith and I would like to encourage you to do the same!



This one is a bit obvious, but sometimes the hardest to execute. We must trust Him in all things. It’s commanded in Proverbs 3:5, but here we see Jesus commanding it again. Have faith in God, have complete trust and complete confidence. If we have faith in God feelings of worry, stress, anxiety, fear, and doubt should never surface. If we have faith in God, then we completely trust that He will provide all provision needed. Not only do we trust Him to provide provision, but we are completely confident that He will provide us with an abundant life as well!

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Matthew 6:25-27

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

John 10:10

Practical application: Fully trusting in God is very hard. It calls us to act in great faith daily, but think about how great life could be if we lived without worry, stress, anxiety, fear, and doubt. We must intentionally focus on God’s plans for us and not our own, and sometimes that means setting aside our own plans and expectations. For me that can be difficult, but I try to remember what Jeremiah 29:11 promises, God wants to prosper us and not harm us. His plans for us are greater than anything we can imagine for ourselves. We have to remove doubt from our hearts, replace it with belief, and trust Him! In doing so our faith will grow stronger and stronger as we see Him lead us in the directions we are truly meant to go.


Like you mean it! Pray like God is in the room sitting right beside you. Mark 11:23 instructs us to pray without doubt in our hearts, and believe that what we say will happen. In the same verse Jesus says that if we do this, it will be done for us.

It’s okay to lift up our every need to God. It’s okay to give Him every single one of our burdens, worries, and fears. It’s okay to ask God to intervene in our lives, and ask Him for the provisions we need. He wants to hear our voices, and He wants a personal relationship with each and everyone of us.

Daily prayer will invite God into our lives and help us establish a deeper trust. Our faith will grow stronger as we release the power of prayer in our lives. I believe that any form of prayer is okay, formal or informal, as long as you’re communicating with God, it’s always good. We are instructed to pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances. Therefore, to truly exercise faith in our lives we must live a prayerful life, constantly reaching out to God.

I know that every prayer I pray is heard. I understand that every prayer I pray may not be answered in the way I want or the time frame I would like. However, that will never stop me from praying with my whole heart.  

Rejoice always, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Practical application: Start every day with prayer! I do believe sitting in the presence of God is important and I do think there are times when God deserves my undivided attention. I don’t have a special prayer closet or a prayer room. I do however have a silent kitchen at 5:15am every morning. While the coffee pot brews the first pot of coffee, I reach out to God. I’m simply thanking Him for the blessings and provisions He has given me and asking Him to lead me and guide me through my day.

I know it sounds really simple, but God already knows all my needs, and honestly He probably knows them even better than I do. I just want Him to know that I need Him and I want Him in my day. I send up quick prayers throughout the rest of the day. Some are in thankfulness, while others are asking for more guidance, wisdom, and knowledge. A great deal are for people, I love to pray for people.

When I feel the urge to speak with God I do! I think some of my best conversations with God happen over hot soapy dish water. Don’t limit yourself, there is no right or wrong way to pray, God simply wants to hear from you. Talk to Him, no pressure, just talk.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Ephesians 6:18


We must know the Word of God! We must make time to sit down and curl up with our Bibles. We need His Word inside, in our minds and in our hearts. Knowing God’s Word goes hand in hand with trusting God and praying. Read His promises, and then have great faith in God, that they will come to pass. Pray them over your life. In God’s Word we will find strength, hope, love, peace, and joy. We will also find promises of provision, and instructions to keep us away from sin and rebuke the devil.  We will gain wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in our lives through His instructions. 

Read Matthew 17:20, and then believe that faith can move mountains. Read Philippians 4:19 and have faith that God will supply all your needs. Read Malachi 3:10 and believe that if God is first in your finances He will pour out blessings for you until they overflow. Read Ephesians 6:10-17 and know that you have The Amour of God, what can possibly come against you.

If we want to exercise faith in our lives, we must let God’s instructions and commands be our guide. In doing so we will strengthen our faith greatly.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Psalm 119:105

Practical application: I start with a prayer just asking that God would speak to me through His Word, giving me the knowledge to understand what He is laying on my heart. I keep a journal with my Bible at all times and index cards. I also have a few colorful pens tucked away. When something I read “speaks” to me or “tugs” on my heart, I write it down.

Sometimes I have a verse that I’m taken with and it becomes a focus for me. I break it down until I truly understand it and can start applying it. I don’t get very far in my reading daily doing this, but I know that I’m truly leaning into His Word and applying it to my life. I believe quality over quantity applies here. I’ve made a rule for myself, and this might sound silly, but until I’ve read for 30 minutes a day… no Pinterest, no Facebook, and no T.V. God’s Word has to be priority in our lives if we want to strengthen our faith.

Have you heard the saying “a verse a day keeps the devil away?” It’s a start, if you’re not exercising your faith in this area, start small, then let God lead you from there.


We’ve done all that reading, studying, and note taking, now it’s time to start using our knowledge. Applying the Word of God to the lives we live, will deepen our walk with Him and strengthen our faith.

Practical application: I think our world would be a better place if the people who claim to be Christians actually acted like Christians. I understand this statement is incredibly blunt, but it’s honestly how I feel. Obviously, no one is prefect, but we have to make a commitment to grow in our faith and commit to living God first lives. I love the Gospel’s, I love getting to know Jesus, and understanding the life I am called to live. This is where index cards come in handy when studying scriptures. I write down verses I know I personally need to work on, and then intentionally start to apply them to my life. One day at a time, the goal is always to be better than I was yesterday.


You are the light of the world, so shine bright my darling friend. We are to be loving and caring towards each other. We are to be encouraging, and build one another up. We should be joyful people, who don’t spend our days complaining.

We should practice thankfulness and be forgiving. Refer back to Mark 11:25, Jesus stated that when we pray we must not hold anything against anyone, but we are to forgive, so our Father can forgive us of our sins.

We must be giving of our time, our talents, and our treasures. When people see you, let them not only see a person that is a believer in God, but let them see a person that exercises great faith in their lives. Let them see a role model for a God first life, let your actions draw people closer to God.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

“‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

Leviticus 19:18

Do everything without grumbling or arguing,

Philippians 2:14

Practical application: There are so many more verses I could share, but the point is simple. Wake up each day with the intention to be good and do good. Spread light, not darkness. It’s really that simple. Give compliments freely, smile kindly, give generously, don’t complain, speak only kind words, and never tear people down.

Above all remember to love God and love people.

I want to live a life of strong faith and I know you do too.

Each day becoming more like our Savior and less like the world.

Let us work on these 5 simple ways to strengthen our faith together!

Do you know someone who would be encouraged by this Blog Post? Please share! By doing so you are helping spread His Light to others 🙂

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  1. This was so on time for me. I have been wondering where to move next, but taking the time to hold my peace has been a blessing. I am seeing God’s hand move like never before. Thank you for the scripture and practical applications!!!

    1. Quantrilla, I’m so glad you found this post encouraging. Waiting can be hard sometimes, but He always makes it worth it. I’m so glad He’s moving in your life! Thanks for stopping by!

      1. Thank you so much for this article, which not only inspired and encouraged me but touched me very deeply . It was as if God showed me through your post a better way of understanding His heart and how to worship Him more intensely. May God bless you more and more. Thank you

        1. Jan, I’m so glad you found this post encouraging and inspiring! I’ve always found it truly amazing how God can use people to speak life into others. I’m glad He used me to help you discover these things. May He also bless you sweet friend! 💜

          1. I find myself reading this same post every morning, every single word hits me perfectly, I know God sent this to me through you.Thank you for having the time and courage to share. This was exactly a confirmation for me for every thing running through my head, so inspired by this.God is GOOD ALWAYS Amen.

          2. I really appreciate this Post. I pray o be more encourage through this. Thank you so much

    2. A lot of things are running in my mind and I feel like every effort i gave in to improve my life , no matter how hard i try, is taken away from me.. then suddenly i realized maybe because im too focused on material things and forgetting about my faith in Him.. i have to quit my job because i need to take good care of my son.. but i feel irritated with the thought that i am not earning and at the moment not capable of helping my husband with all the expenses.. but then, are we starving? No.. are we not able to pay for the mortgage? No.. but since i set the goal for our family i feel so stressed that i am the one now who cannot fulfill that.. this article hit me so hard, that yes God knows what I need, more than I know what I need.. I just have to completely trust Him.. thank your for your article as it made me realize so many thins. ❤️

      1. I so happy God used this post to help you! What you’re going through is hard, I pray that you can keep finding the ability to truth God completely. Praying and reading my Bible daily really helps me. Wishing you the very best.

  2. More awesomeness from you! I like how you are able to pull the great things from the Bible that help in everyday life. I definitely will be following more of you. There are challenges in my fam and I’m trying to see if I can understand what the problems are.

  3. Thank you for this.. I really need to strengthen my faith in the Lord. I am going through a really touch time in my marriage and its a struggle and i dont know what to do. I pray but sometimes find myself not. But thank you

  4. Hi! I’d like to say thanks too.
    Reading these 5 simple ways challenged me to be better each day.
    May you share more good things in the future.
    I’d like to give this verse to you too: 1 Corinthians 15:58- .. that whatever you do for the Lord will never be in vain.

    God bless 🙂

  5. Hi Jennifer,
    Really liked this article, really a good piece of work. I am not a Christian but could draw clear parallels in most of the places with my religion, Islam.

    Stay blessed…

  6. Thank you for taking the time to share this with me. I love that you and your daughter read the Bible together. My girls and I do the same thing! I hope you come back often. Many blessing to you and your daughter!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer, for an amazing guide to strengthen our faith and grow like Jesus grew up Luke 2: 52 . Be blessed indeed

  7. Jennifer,
    Thank you for writing an awesome and amazing article. I have been searching for ways to live the life I want and have been watching all types of YouTube motivational videos, reading self-help books, just to name a few. However, it wasn’t until I realized that the answer was right in front of me, the bible. None of these videos and/or books can replace the God’s Word. That is how I came across your website because I need to strengthen my faith in God and you provided some tools to help me. I very much appreciate it.

  8. Thank you so much for this very helpful tips in strengthen and trusting God more. My heart felt lighter now.

  9. This helped me so much, im currently struggling right now, my faith isnt that strong but I want it to be and im desperate for help, I just want to have a good relationship with god! I am so happy I came across this, thank you 🙂

  10. Thanks Jennifer. I can sense that you are a true practicing Christian. may many more Christians be like you. How blessed are your friends and family. Continue to let your light shine forth.

  11. Thank you so much , am encouraged and I believe if I put this in to practice, I will be able to strengthen my relationship and faith in God. God bless you .
    Am bennjamin from Uganda, East Africa

  12. Wow this was very helpful thank you so much when i saw it for the first time I thought it was meant for me and it truly is thank you so much this was amazing

  13. This is all we need now to strengthen our Faith In God… May all of us seen what Gods message for us in this pandemic situation that He is just waiting for us to accept Him as our only Hope and Savior… lets TRUST GOD completely…

  14. This is all we need now to strengthen our Faith In God… May all of us seen what Gods message for us in this pandemic situation that He is just waiting for us to accept Him as our only Hope and Savior… lets TRUST GOD completely…

  15. Thank you for telling me trusting our God means that feelings of worry, stress, anxiety, fear, and other negative feelings should never surface. I have experienced a lot of traumatic events in my life and sometimes I feel like God has been neglecting me. Although I haven’t heard any good news for a while now, it might be a good idea to find a nearby Christian church that I can visit whenever I’m doubtful of His existence.

  16. i’m really touched by the message ,it felt like God was talking through me all again. Thank you so much i really needed it,may the good Lord continue to speak through you so that you may continue to inspire and be a blessing to bless people like me. To tell the truth my spirit is been down for some time now,just feel like i’m too distance with God lately , not praying like i used too before but after i read this it gave me hope again. I know that God is been living in me even thou i didn’t felt it because i choose my life disaster to over power me and be lazy to connect with Him.

    1. We may distance ourselves from God, but He never distances himself from us. He’s still close to you my friend. I pray that your prayer life is restored and revitalized. Blessings to you!

  17. Its really encouraging for me and I will surely share all of this. I was once living a life with full of hatred and grudges about my past. Our broken family the miserable life I’d been. The sadness and longing. Even though I know and I believed that God is always with me I rarely practiced or show how devoted I am to him because I might be judge that people won’t believe in me. All I wanted is to change and forget all my wrong doings, my bad attitude and I want to become a new person but sometimes its hard and didn’t know where to start. And it starts in here!! To strengthen my faith everyday, to renewed my spirit and walk along my faith as how grateful I am with God. Whatever people will say, or judgement I will hear —that tears me down I will still believe in myself. I will change. I promised myself to be a better person each day.

    1. I pray God gives you the strength to hold your head up high every single day. I’m so proud of you for making the decision to walk with God and declare your faith! Know and believe with your whole heart that God forgives you for every single wrong doing. Also understand that it’s never an easy journey to strengthen your faith, and if you need a friend through this journey you can send me message on IG or FB any time. I pray blessings over you and I’m so excited for you. 🤗

  18. Thank you very much for this inspiring words, it’s so timely. I’m in my waiting period and it’s getting difficult but I trust God to see me through. These words have boosted my faith again. Thanks and God bless you.

  19. Thank you so much for sharing. God always leads me to Proverbs 3:5-6 when a change in life is about to occur. Your blog hit home on several levels so thank you for allowing yourself to be used by what he guided you to do the I crease your faith. Continue to be blessed.

  20. Thank you for your post, I’ve taken lots of points from it as I’m working to strengthen my faith and get to know God more.

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  24. Thanks alot for this encouraging article scripture of faith,I have really learned alot and may God grant you the desires and abundant blessings in your life

  25. Greetings,
    Thanks a lot for 5 simple ways to strengthen Faith.
    I’m going deliver Sermon on “Faith”, hence it is very useful for me.
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    God Bless you.

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