
The Praise and Gratitude Series: Day 9

Praise + Gratitude = Joy & Happiness

Day 9: Colossians 2:7

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

I love this verse, it warms the very inside of my heart. It’s telling us to be firmly and deeply planted in Him and fixed and founded upon His truths.

I love the metaphors used. We all start out as a seed, and it is totally up to us how far, wide, and deep we will allow our roots to spread. It is up to us to decide how firmly we will stand on the foundation of our faith.

I am thankful for verses like this, because they remind me that it is up to me to seek continual growth and strengthening of my faith. Each day I should improve more and more in my knowledge and understanding of God’s truth.

It’s up to me to place effort into being thoroughly instructed and established in the Word of God. It’s also up to me to build a strong personal relationship with God and make sure my life reflects the foundation on which I have built it.

No one else can do it for me.

If our lives are not built on the firm foundation of Christ we become easy targets for the enemy. Our lives easily fall off course, and we find ourselves in more darkness than light.

I want to live in light, not darkness. I want to prosper, mature, and continually strengthen my faith. I want the foundation of my life to be built on Christ.

Today I am over flowing with thankfulness for the Word of God. I’m also thankful for all the wonderful Pastors, teachers, amazing fellow Christian women, and small group leaders within my life. They encourage and inspire me to dig deeper everyday, and continue to grow.

Think about the following questions today as you read and reflect on Colossians 2:7:

Are your roots spreading and growing deeper??

How firm is the foundation of your faith??

What’s your favorite way to grow?

For me it’s the 30 or so minutes I get a day with my Bible and a pot of coffee! But I also find listening to a variety of teachers/preachers on YouTube inspiring and a great way to grow! I can listen while I work, which is a win for me. I basically multi-task my way through life.

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